FEB 18 - MAR 20
MANTRA: My intuition is my guiding light

Welcome to Pisces season! Are you ready to take a deep dive with us as we explore the watery depths of the peculiar and passionate Pisces? Our Pisces collection offers a treasure-trove of aquatic gifts for those willing to swim alongside us as we journey from the Moon to the deep blue Sea...
"We’re born happy because every soul is by nature like a fish in water; because joy is the inherent state of our internal superconsciousness, which is like water.”
-Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Pisces individuals are known for their artistic abilities, compassion, and are gifted with an uncanny ability to connect with others on an emotional level, often knowing what people need before they even say it. They possess a deep well of empathy, feel deeply, are innately sensitive, hopeless romantics, and have a compassionate, caring nature that makes them natural helpers. This heightened emotional awareness enables them to forge deep connections with like-minded individuals and foster profound bonds with a sense of unity and a desire for collective well-being. This gives them a mystical, wise, and insightful persona.
Intuition serves as a guiding light for Pisces, illuminating their path through life's twists and turns. Pisceans have a natural gift for tuning into their inner voice and this intuitive nature allows them to navigate uncertain situations with grace and wisdom. Spirituality is an integral aspect of the Piscean psyche, as they seek meaning and connection beyond the confines of the material world. Their interests often lie in the mystical and the artistic, where their boundless imaginations and technicolor daydreams allow them to perceive the world through a lens of wonder and possibility.
At the same time, Pisces individuals can sometimes struggle with boundaries and making decisions, as they may become overwhelmed by their emotions and lose themselves in the needs of others. Pisces' deep empathy and sensitivity can sometimes lead to escapism, avoidant behaviors, challenging anxiety, and erratic mood swings. Their shy attitude also has a tendency to drive people away from them which they can internalize in a negative way.The world expects a lot from Pisces and they often have to make a decision whether to fall in line or follow their heart. Grounding exercises, like learning how to set - and maintain - healthy boundaries are extremely important for the aquatic Pisces. Every Pisces must learn to balance their compassionate nature with self-protection, ensuring they care for themselves before tending to others. After all, we can’t pour from an empty cup.
Our signature Pisces artisan botanical soap bar is an unexpected patchwork of vivid turquoise and orange hues, accented by streaks of salmon and stripes of contrasting black. It's like staring into a koi pond at feeding time! LOL! And each bar is completely unique - you never know what images might jump out at you....will you see a dolphin, a whale, or something entirely otherwordly?Our Pisces bar marries marine notes and florals for a bright and fresh seaside blend that we think offers a deep dive into the watery heart of Pisces! Top notes of citrus, sea salt, and ozone envelopes the floral heart of jasmine, lilac, and orange blossom, while base notes of amber and tonka ground this spirited blend.
Each of our signature bars is stamped with the Pisces constellation. When they’re gone, that’s that! But we’ll have a limited supply of smaller 3oz bars that we hope to have in stock thru the end of the year.

The Pisces constellation is represented by The Fishes - two fish tied together by their tails, swimming in opposite directions, representing the inner conflict between the dual aspects of their personality - the sensitive and imaginative vs the practical and grounded.
As the final sign in the Zodiac wheel, Pisces has absorbed every lesson—the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears—learned by all of the other signs. This makes these fish the most psychic, empathetic, and compassionate creatures of the astrological wheel. Forever submerged in nurturing waters and connected with the higher source, the Fishes represent experiencing a state of divine bliss.

Eta Piscium, the Pisces’ constellation’s brightest star has been associated with water since the Babylonian era. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, another fish appears in the Southern sky - Pisces Austrinus, thought to be the parent of the two connected Pisces fishes. In Greek mythology, this constellation is known as the Great Fish and it is portrayed as swallowing the water being poured out by Aquarius, the water-bearer constellation.
The fish is a recurring symbol in many cultures, often relating to the spritiual and mystical. In China, fish are associated with love and marriage, as koi swim in pairs and are a common gift for newlyweds. In Scandinavia, fish are a symbol of adaptability, acceptance, and letting go....letting life flow as it will. In Christianity, the fish are symbols of faith being rewarded with abundance (the loaves and fishes parable).

Greek mythology brings us one - of many - origin stories of the Pisces Constellation. Aphrodite and Eros, sunning themselves on the banks of the Euphrates, were descended upon by the fearsome monster, Typhon - posessing a hundred dragon heads with black tongues hissing from each mouth and fire blazing from every pair of eyes. Fearing for their lives, the Goddess and her son leapt into the waters, instantly transforming themselves into fish, allowing themselves to be carried away by the current, and tied together with gauze so they would not be separated. Aphrodite subsequently placed the gentle constellation in the sky as a gift to young Eros.
Our signature Pisces perfume oil roller, The Fishes, is a delicate blend of Sicilian lemons and Mandarin oranges in an oceanside garden blooming with wild jasmine and roses, while delicate and soothing notes of sea salt and whispers of white musk on the ocean breeze harmonize this blend, lending it a subtle depth and tranquility. Utterly captivating!
Water Element
The four elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water - are key components associated with each astrological sign. The elements speak to the core essence of each sign, and each element influences 3 signs. Elemental magick will feature prominently within each product collection. Each element will have its own product that ties in with the particular season as well. From body sprays to bath salts, we'll have exciting new offerings every month that we hope you will love.
Tuning in to the language of the elements throughout each season of the year can offer powerful guidance for self-growth and awareness, helping one cultivate a deeper connection to the Universe and the Divine. When we honor and accept the interconnectedness of our place within the natural world and its inherent energies and influences, we can be empowered to manifest the world we want to live in.

The ever-adaptable and flowing Water element can teach us important lessons about our inner and outer worlds. Water, as our most fundamental element and precious natural resource, has been intimately linked to humankind since the dawn of time, holding divine spiritual significance for many cultures. From bathing and drinking, fishing and travelling, to worship, mystery and power....wherever water flows, life will spring up within and around it. Water gives life (we are born out of amniotic fluid...and the primoridial soup from which all life sprung), water sustains life (you literally cannot live without it, nor can the crops we rely on for food), water IS life (our bodies are around 60% water; the lymphatic system is called our "inner ocean"). Water is the sacred essence of all life on Earth, a precious living entity....and we owe it to Gaia to fiercely protect our waterways, lakes and oceans as though our lives, and the future of all humankind, depend upon it. Because it truly does.
Like the Pisces sign, the Water element is mutable - fluid and shifting. It can be free-flowing, stagnant, viscous, cold or boiling, or even solid in form (think ice!). In many ancient cultures, water was considered the nucleus of life and held a divine energy. Ancient Eastern wisdom teaches us that water represents fluidity, feminine ‘yin’ energy, intelligence and wisdom, softness and flexibility, whilst also symbolising the transitions of birth and death and reincarnation.
The Water signs— Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio —are known for being sensitive and sentimental. Their emotions are always flowing like the waves of the oceans. Pisces beautifully captures its element's fluid, imaginative, and empathetic qualities. The water element in Pisces further enhances their natural tendency towards dreaminess and emotional sensitivity, allowing them to connect with others on an emotional level easily. However, it can also lead to a tendency to absorb the emotions of their surroundings, making grounding and self-care essential for those with this sign.
Our Pisces Collection leans into the Water Element for our aromatic selections, our product offerings, and even our design choices. If you've been following along, you know that we are introducing a new bath and body oil scent each month that ties in with our Elemental theme. And each month we unveil a unique new product that pays homage to that sign's Element. So let's dive in, shall we?
Brigid: Water Element Ritual Bath & Body Oil Blend
Our ritual Elemental body oils offer a unique and deeply personal method for attuning to each element and season. The oil may be utilized simply as a part of a nourishing skincare routine or as an intentional ritual to establish balance and rhythm in one's life path.
For many who know and love Brigid, one might first think of her association as a fire and hearth Goddess, but did you know she has a deep connection to water as well? Brigid is connected to sacred well energy, rivers and snow (a trinity of waters!). There are sacred wells all over Ireland, Scotland, and England that are dedicated to Brigid both as a Celtic Goddess and as a (Christianized) Saint. Rivers in both Wales and Ireland bear her name.
St. Brigid's Well in Kildare County Ireland; Brigid's cross - a traditional Imbolc craft
As Imbolc (aka St. Brigid's Day) falls on February 1st, and Brigid is THE Goddess honored in this season, it seems most apropo to name this water element blend in her honor. Connect with this water goddess by enjoying a sacred ritual bath with a few pumps of this luxurious bath oil added to your bath water.
Let our Brigid blend transport you to a lush, unspoiled natural spring featuring notes of watery freshness, crisp ozone, and zesty lemon. The aroma is balanced by the earthiness of cedarwood, the floral scent of lavender, and the greenery of the outdoors. Serene and soothing.

Want to connect more deeply with the Goddess Brigid? We adore a sacred ritual bath! Prepare your bath, add some candles (or even floating candles!) to honor both her water and fire aspects, and perhaps some crystals for high vibes (on the tub's edge). Add a few pumps of our Brigid blend to the water and swish around to allow it to self-emulsify.
Additionally, those of you that have a seasonal altar may wish to include a bowl of water to represent Brigid's sacred well. Choose a bowl that means something to you and decorate around it with seasonal ephemera and spiritually significant items. Choose your water thoughtfully and with intention. In Imbolc season, snow or ice water is appropriate, as is river or spring water. Ass a few drops of our Brigid oil blend to your sacred well while offering a simple prayer to Brigid.
Turquoise Tides Foaming Bath Soak
For watery Pisces, we've dreamed up this luxurious - and whimsical! - bath soak blend as our freatured Elemental product! Dive into the aquatic magick of this serenely balanced aromatic blend. Top notes of zesty lemon and watery freshness plunge into a floral heart of soothing lavender, elegant lily of the valley and delicate rose water, backed by ethereal green lushness! A gentle spring rain for your bathing ritual.

Our Turqouise Tides luxurious bath soaking blend is intentionally and painstakingly prepared and hand blended to maximize the skin bennies! It contains a skin-soothing blend of salts, including Epsom salts, Mediterranean sea salt and Himalayan pink salt that help to nourish and support the whole body with a dose of magnesium and essential minerals. Coconut milk powder and avocado oil offer up a double dose of skin-soothing botanicals. Ribbons of bath bomb dust offer up loads of bubbly action for an extra bit of colorful fun! Sprinkles of brightly colored chunky Himalayan salt mimic aquarium gravel, whilst a tiny soap koi fish adds a whimiscal touch! :) To keep the layers intact (for aesthetics!), we've had to fold over the tops of the bags to minimize the air space....and now they remind us of those little bags you get to transport your aquarium fish home from the pet store! Adorable! This brilliant blend leaves your bathwater a deep turquoise hue scattered with bubbly sea foam. Unleash your inner mermaid!
Planetary Influence: Neptune

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusion, creativity, intuition and spirituality.
Neptune is a powerful provider of perspective, depth, and understanding. This icy giant looms above us with an all-encompassing air of unity and peace, reminding us that we are all interconnected across time and space. Neptune dissolves the boundaries between us, and between fantasy and reality. From what we've discussed about the Piscean personality, you can easily see how Neptune rules this Zodiac sign!
Neptunian energy is akin to the energy of the ocean: magical, mysterious, and often scary. When the fog is thick on the water, the horizon is obstructed and there is no differentiation between the sea and the sky. It makes us want to escape mundane, everyday reality and to enter a more ideal, heavenly state (and sometimes even altered states of consciousness!). It urges us to excel and to exceed boundaries, to reject any and all limitations. But since Neptune alters reality and clouds our perceptions of it, Neptune can make us deceive ourselves (or be deceived by others), or just create misunderstandings.
In Roman mythology, Neptune is the God of the waters, from the smallest streams and springs to the deepest seas. He controlled the winds and weather, whipping up furious storms and roiling seas to sink ships and send sailors to watery graves.
Neptune statue off the coast of Grand Canaria Island, Spain; Neptune sculpture by artist, Antoine Coysevox at the Louvre, Paris
Our Neptune perfume is a luxurious blend of uplifting bergamot, sea mist, and coastal wildflowers beautifully entertwined with sea salt, vetiver and clary sage floating above a grounding base of sun-warmed sand and coastal bark. An intoxicating, dreamy delight!
Tarot Card: The Moon

Each sign has a corresponding tarot card from the Major Arcana that symbolizes some of its characteristics. The art of the traditional Rider-Waite deck is what is used to make comparisons to the Zodiac signs. Pisces is ruled by The Moon card of the Major Arcana in tarot. The dreamy, sensitive Piscean, “Moon-born” are gifted with personal magnetism and access to instinctual and intuitive gifts. The Moon is associated with the subconscious and often highlights idealism -- suggesting that things are not as they may appear. Pisceans are romantics, falling for the illusion of their best dream and self-deception rather than the truth of the situation. The Moon card also represents our secretive side or "shadow self" - the side of ourselves that we hide away from others - or our metaphoric shadow. It can also represent fears or anxiety.
The lesson for Pisceans from the Moon card is a reminder to trust your intuition, for it rarely fails you as a Pisces. The Moon can also be telling you that something fishy is happening, perhaps you are clouded by insecurities and uncertainties, and you might want to face up to the truth without jumping to conclusions. Getting a grip on the truth, or reality, or yourself can be tough and, sometimes, it’s better to let it all unfold and go with the flow.
The dog and the wolf in this card represent how our wild side blends with our tame side. This recurring theme of unity can also be found in the towers. They symbolize the practical life that most of us lead, while the path between them reminds us of the more meaningful life that we desire. This is very true to the nature of Pisces, who are always dreaming of something more fantastic than what is actually in front of them.
The water on The Moon card symbolizes the subconscious. The crustacean emerging from the water represents "coming into consciousness" and the possession of psychic abilities, which is often true of those born under Pisces.
Our Moon card aromatic blend is a fresh, uplifting watery blend starring delicately aqueous and herbaceously nuanced lotus flower, accented by sweet cyclamen and hints of tropical coconut water, anchored by a soothing base of seamoss, driftwood and subtle amber.
In Chinese culture, the moon symbolizes immortality and eternity, often depicted alongside the lotus flower. The lotus, with its ability to rise above murky waters and bloom into a beautiful flower, is seen as a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving enlightenment.
Amulets & Allies
If you've visited our retail boutique, you know we loooove our crystals! Some of the larger "statement" crystals in our shop are just there for the high vibes, but we always have an eclectic selection of pocket stones and fun shapes like fairies and mushies to accompany our product collections. This year, we'll be adding custom curated tumbled crystal sets for each Zodiac sign! These sets will be included in each of our gift boxes (see below!). Now, these crystals won't necessarily align with the traditional birthstones you may be familiar with, but they will offer positive and powerful benefits for each sign.
Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing and spiritual properties, and they have a strong connection to astrology. Each zodiac sign is associated with specific crystals that resonate with their unique characteristics and can enhance their strengths and support them when facing challenging situations.By working with the appropriate crystals, you can tap into your strengths and manifest the life you want.
What crystals are appropriate for the dreamy Piscean? Pisces is an intuitive zodiac sign that seeks harmony from the world and within, and the best crystals for Pisces can help Pisces become more centered, balanced, and focused. Pisces are soft natured beings that go with the flow. This trait also opens the Piscean up to being trusting and having others take advantage of their kindness and naturally helpful nature. Use these gemstones to ground and protect your gentle heart, offer peace and mental clarity, tap into your inner wisdom and connect with your higher purpose.
Our Curated Pisces Crystal Collection
Sodalite - This beautiful blue stone, known as the stone of insight and inner peace, Sodalite empowers Pisceans to explore the depths of their subconscious mind. This tranquil gemstone enhances intuition, fosters mental clarity, and encourages self-expression. Sodalite also promotes emotional balance and inner harmony, guiding Pisceans on their journey towards self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.
This crystal also gives Pisces a sense of balance between peace and chaos. Sodalite is said to strengthen logic, rational thinking, and objectivity, while also connecting these with intuition.
Blue Lace Agate - Blue Lace Agate is a water element stone and wonderful support for sensitive Pisces. Some believe it functions as an energy filter for empaths and sensitive souls who have a tendency to absorb and to become affected by outside energies. Pisceams can sometimes use help with this, as they have a tendency to change or shift to accommodate others' needs and can lose touch with their own needs. It helps one get a clearer sense of your wants and needs so that you can make the best choices that serve you. It also strengthens your throat chakra, empowering you to say no and to set loving and appropriate boundaries as necessary. Meditating with Blue Lace Agate can tune you into higher dimensional realms and beings.
Labradorite - Labradorite is a special crystal to Pisces. It exhibits flashes of iridescent peacock colors when held in the light. Its shifting colors provide a clue about the stone’s energetic function: it helps to shift your energy and consciousness to align with higher levels of light and reality. This stone encourages us to tap into our inner wisdom and enhances our connection to the spiritual realm.
The flashy, iridescent quality of Labradorite also creates a mirror effect that deflects negative energy, helping to shield Pisces from negative energies and emotions. Labradorite can also help Pisceans do a deep dive into their subconsciously held patterns, emotions, and addictions for the purpose of healing and transformation.
Labradorite also boosts creativity, imagination, and artistic talents--which fall into the domain of Pisces.
Black Onyx - This crystal gives Pisces inner strength and positive vibes to promote emotional well-being. The grounding and protective energy of black onyx can help to balance these emotions, making them feel more grounded and secure, which can be particularly beneficial for those who are feeling anxious or stressed. You might also want to keep black onyx to ward off energy drainers and negative energy.
In addition, black onyx enhances your intuition and creativity, helping you to tap into your inner wisdom and inner guidance. It can also help with communication skills, making it easier for you to express yourself and connect with others.
As an added bonus for our Celestial Sol 2025 Series, we now have handmade authentic crystal bracelets for each Zodiac sign. Our resident gemstone expert (kudos to Shara!) has thoughtfully crafted each bracelet with her extensive knowledge of gemstone energetics. The crystals included in each are meant to offer balancing energies to each specific sign.
Crystals for each bracelet correspond with the tumbled crystal sets we offer for each sign. For full details about the crystals and their correspondences to each sign, please refer to our individual listings for each tumbled set.
These bracelets will be custom made to coincide with each collection release. We'll add the new signs to inventory as the year progresses. (So you won't be able to purchase a Virgo in February).
We have limited quantities of these bracelets! Two wrist sizes available - standard and large.
Myths & Magick
Ripples of joy with every Koi!
Koi fish have intrigued and inspired humankind for centuries. Their bright, flashy colors have garnered them the moniker "living jewels". These beautiful fish are rich in spiritual significance, as well, particulary in Asian culture. Koi are known to symbolize luck and good fortune, financial abundance and success.
In astrology, the sign of Pisces corresponds with a glyph featuring two fish swimming in a circle, with the two creatures going in opposite directions. Sometimes the fish are depicted as colorful Koi.
In Feng Shui, the Chinese art of design and placement in a space meant to achieve the greatest harmony and balance, a koi pond in the garden creates an auspicious, optimal flow of universal life force energy for all who live and visit there. It also enhances family connections for harmony and unity.
Koi fish are known for their ability to climb rushing streams and UP waterfalls until they reach their destination. This determination and courage give them the qualities of tenacity, dedication, bravery, and fortitude. It is said that humans must navigate dangerous waters just as Koi do. In Buddhism, koi fish embody determination and focus on the goal of Enlightenment despite turbulent waters all around. By observing the grace and strength of koi fish, we are reminded of our own capacity to overcome adversity and transform into our highest selves.
Our Koi bars are a dazzling display of vibrant oranges, corals, and blue hues. Little orange and white koi fishes adorn the tops of the bars, swimming back and forth. Koi will whisk you away to an enchanting seaside escape where sea breezes waft across a lush green garden of jasmine, neroli, and water clover. Luxurious and sophisticated!
Full Worm Moon - March 14, 2025
The Worm Moon is the name given to the full moon in March because earthworms and other invertebrates emerge from their winter dormancy as the ground thaws in anticipation of spring.

Our whimsical Worm Moon bar aesthetic represtents a layer cake of garden soil with green shoots emerging from the top of the bar and a squiggly worm making its way to the top. Worm Moon brings spring vibes to mind with its bright, lively aromatic notes evoking the first tender buds of spring emerging from their winter sleep. Refreshing top notes of watery aloe and sweet agave give way to a green heart of fresh-cut florals with a base of patchouli offering rich earthiness and a balanced finish. It might not be the prettiest and most glamorous looking bar, LOL, but it's fresh aroma will persuade you to enjoy it!
Our Worm Moon bars contain soap shreds from previous batches to mimic the varied texture of garden soil and its topping of compost. The bars are adorned with biodegradable, plant-based glitter....if you look real close, you'll discover tiny crescent moons amongst that glitter! And yes, some (ok, a few) bars have silly soap worms attached to them! In fact, as we were putting these bars out on our retail floor at our soap boutique, most of the worms fell off....so you get a free worm with every bar purchased, LOL! The wee ones will love washing up with our whimsical worms! :)
A Custom Curated Pisces Gift Box Set!
Know a Pisces who would love our products? Gift them a custom Pisces gift box set! That's right! Our loyal long-standing Solstice fans know that our gift boxes are pure botanical magick! And these customizable Zodiac boxes offer up plentiful options - from the effortless to the extraordinary!
Each box will include our signature Pisces artisan botanical soap bar, Tarot themed lotion, a perfume roller, and even a crystal pouch complete with the perfect Pisces balancing gemstones and info cards. These boxes can be further customized with additional products from our Pisces collection - body oil, additional perfume rollers, and/or bath soak blend, and bracelets. It's a luxurious self-care gift befitting any dreamy Pisces!

A Bit of Cheeky Fun!
We hope you enjoy our Pisces meme dump! :)