Dec 22 - Jan 19
MANTRA: Good things come to those who persist.

Welcome to Cappy season! The first Zodiac sign in our 2025 Celestial Sol Collection bridges the holiday season and into the New Year. Our Cappy collection celebrates the dedicated, earth-bound Capricorn soul and the associated Winter Solstice season. We’ll roam in goat-like fashion from the serious to the whimsical (dare I say capricious?!) as we dive into stories, myths and other associations that capture the heart of Capricorn season. Let’s jump on in!

“Why so serious?” LOL, Capricorns are known to be serious AF, ambitious get-shit-done types, and bossy workaholics. Security and structural support define their relentless drive. As a cardinal Earth sign, Cappys are wise beyond their years, fearless, demanding, ironic and cynical. Not exactly the life of the party, lol, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to have fun. Once they open up to you (be prepared for a looong wait!), you’ll find their secret wild side and rebellious, untamed spirit.
Capricorn is symbolized by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and tail of a fish. In Greek mythology, Pricus is a legendary sea goat with the power to manipulate time. Pricus was created by the Greek God of Time, Chronos. The sea-goat is classified as a Chimera, a hybrid creature with a goat's head and body and various parts of other creatures. The Chimera, with its ability to change forms and embody different elements, serves as an ideal representation of personal growth and adaptability, as well as duality - representing both chaos and harmony. Just as the Chimera embodies different creatures and the sea-goat embodies the ability to navigate both land and sea (aka the physical and emotional worlds), Capricorns must learn to embrace various aspects of themselves to navigate life’s unpredictable journey. Work-life balance is a must for Cappys!

Our signature Capricorn artisan botanical soap is a true testament to Cappy character! To capture Cappy's orderliness, meticulousness, and structure, the design of our signature Capricorn bar evokes upward slanting (and mostly straight!) lines of earthy brown and varied blues with rich, copper pencil lines separating each layer. Capricorn is an earthy blend of cardamom, cinnamon and cedarwood grounded in a base of patchouli musk and warm amber for added depth. Luxurious, warm and deeply comforting, resonating with Capricorn's down-to-earth attitude.

Each of our signature bars is stamped with the Capricorn constellation. Our signature bars are Limited Edition and when they're gone, that's it. However, we will have a limited supply of smaller 3oz bars, in a similar pattern (not exact!) and same scent, stamped with the Sea Goat symbol, that will be available throughout the year (hopefully!).
Each month we'll release a limited edition perfume oil roller for that sign's symbol. Meet The Goat - our signature perfume blend for Capricorn! Our Goat blend embraces Cappy's need for warmth and grounding. This soothing embrace, rich with spice notes, will bring out the sweetness of Cappy's compassion and acceptance. Rich, creamy cardamom steeped in sweet cream, accentuated by warm cinnamon, ginger and peppercorn, and grounded in comforting musk. Velvety smooth and tantalizingly unique!
Tuning in to the language of the elements throughout each season of the year can offer powerful guidance for self-growth and awareness, helping one cultivate a deeper connection to the Universe and the Divine. When we honor and accept the interconnectedness of our place within the natural world and its inherent energies and influences, we can be empowered to manifest the world we want to live in.

The element of Earth influences Capricorn’s personality by imparting a sense of structure, foundation, practicality, and that driving need for financial security and materialism. But Earth magick goes beyond that - Earth is our Great Mother, who teaches us about love and beauty and wonder and awe. Earth is also our body and our physical manifestation in this life. Earth is loving, supportive, nourishing, and intentional. It is embodying groundedness, resourcefulness, spiritual security, and being confident in your own power. Earth takes time; it moves slowly and steadily. The strong, nimble goat is a persistent climber, takes its time getting where it needs to go, but is confident in its abilities. So Cappys - give yourself room to grow into the possibilities, laugh as you stumble along your path, open yourself up to your inner landscape, and trust that the Universe will keep you on track.
This month’s Earth element featured product is our Cronos Cranberry RadianC Mask. Turn back time like a Titan! Experience the glowing radiance of purifying clays, nourishing superfoods, and soothing with anti-inflammatory herbs.
Each month we will release a ritual body and bath oil blend based on the element associated with that sign. Our Elemental body oils offer a unique and deeply personal method for attuning to each element and season. The oil may be utilized simply as a part of a nourishing skincare routine or as an intentional ritual to establish balance and rhythm in one's life path. Here's our featured blend for Cappy:

Our Earth blend honors Elen of the Ways, an obscure and elusive ancient Celtic Goddess, believed to date back to the Paleolithic era, who is an ever present Winter season guide for the cold dark nights of Yule. Known also as the Green Lady and the Horned Goddess, the divine feminine balance to Cernunnos, the Great Horned God of the Forest. Elen invites us to live in right relationship with the Earth and the Divine that lives in all of us. Elen is a protector of ancient pathways, the guardian of those who follow unconventional and intuitive paths, and all those who journey. She is a way shower, lighting the way and sparking us into living in harmony with the living, breathing Earth, the sacredness of the land and the life it supports, surrendering ourselves to the heart of the mystery and awe of all of life.
Elen is the primeval Goddess, the soul and protector of the Forest and wild places, the Creator of tracks and paths, the one who reminds us of our own Wildness. She is strongly associated with deer and features in ancient myths and stories of the Yule season. She is the ancient Deer Mother who once flew through winter’s longest darkest night with the life-giving light of the sun in her horns - the origin story for the flying reindeer of St. Nick. Her antlers were frequently depicted as the tree of life, carrying birds, the sun, moon, and stars. She is, via the beasts and the old pathways, concerned with the balance of the energies of the land, with the fertility and cycles of nature. She is a fitting Goddess to help guide you through the dark nights of Winter and your soul searching in this season.
We've thoughtfully chosen an exquisitely earthy aromatic blend to attune with Elen's energies and the Earth element of the Capricorn season. A sumptious heart of soothing orris root, green fig and powdery violet, grounded in a woody base of sandalwood, amber and clean musk. Mesmerizing, quiet luxury.

Capricorn’s unwavering focus can sometimes be viewed as distant, cutthroat and cold-hearted. We can blame Saturn for that! The ruler of karma and discipline, thresholds and frontiers, Saturn offers tough love and growing pains. Saturn asks us to step into our full power - but like a sensei who pushes you to grow through hard work, accountability, discipline and tests that allow you to prove what you know....over and over until you get it perfectly and with ease. The process is an initiation, but the result is empowering AF.

In ancient Roman mythology, the god Saturnus, from which the planet takes its name, was the equivalent of the greek god, Chronos/Kronus, aka Father Time. He was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics as a man turning the zodiac wheel. As the Father of the Zodiac, the Saturn-ruled Cappy thrives with structure and rules. Despite Saturn’s reputation as a meticulous big boss, Saturn is, above all, realistic. Saturn’s position in Capricorn requires a dose of balance. All work and no play make Cappy a dull boy, y’know?! After all, Saturn-day is our Saturday…a day for play! The need for a release is healthy and eventually, that raw, appetite-driven Cappy energy needs to let her hair down and unleash that beast. Saturnalia, the most popular of Roman festivals, was dedicated to Saturn and began on December 17th, lasting for one week, and coinciding with the Winter Solstice and the Sun entering the shadow of Capricorn. During the festival, restrictions were relaxed and the social order inverted - no one worked, businesses and schools closed, slaves were treated as equals, and people spent their time drinking (like A LOT!), gambling, screwing, feasting, and essentially it was an all out week-long rager of epic debauchery. Our word capricious—suggesting one who acts impulsively on sudden whimsies, desires, and changes of mood—clearly has its roots in Capricorn…like a frolicking goat. Lol. Seek that balance, Cappy.
Our Planetary collection features perfume oil blends that capture each planet’s energetic influence and are meant to help you embrace that energy, if and when you need it. Need some of Saturn’s tough love and accountability to follow through on your commitments?
Our Saturn perfume oil blend leans into the earthy, woody, stabilizing notes that are the hallmarks of this planetary influence. A heart of cask-aged oak, gently brushed by aged leather and patchouli, resting on a base of dry whiskey, creamy vanilla and tendrils of smoke. Complex yet luxurious.
Inside every earnest Capricorn is a mischevious troublemaker. So it’s appropo that their corresponding tarot card is the Devil.

The Devil card is the tarot card associated with Capricorn. Cappy is ruled by the Sea Goat and the Devil card depicts Pan, the half-man, half-goat nature god. Contrary to common misconceptions, The Devil card is not a representation of evil, but rather a symbol of temptation, materialism, and self-imposed limitations. Ambitious Capricorns are always driven to strive for more - for more success, status and control -- which means that they are rarely satisfied with what they have. They can be downright manipulative as they strut their way to the top of the ladder. But Cappys often also feel restricted by their own expectations of themselves, the limitations and structures they've built around their laser focused goals. Ultimately, the Devil card is more about feeling trapped or stuck by one's own self-imposed obtacles and making a choice to be in that position versus liberating oneself from those chains. The lesson being that they do have both the choice and the potential to overcome these challenges and achieve personal growth. Capricorns can learn from The Devil card to balance their material and spiritual pursuits and to recognize that true success comes from within. The Devil tarot card can also help Capricorns embrace their shadow side, and accept and integrate their flaws, mistakes, and regrets.
Every month we'll craft a new lotion blend for each of the Tarot cards associated with that month's star sign. Each of our limited edition lotion blends will feature the associated tarot card on the face of the bottle. And, of course, each batch is made from our luxurious plant-based Smoothing Body Silk blend that our regulars have come to know and love.
Our Devil card blend offers an intriguing and delightfully unexpected twist! Tart pomegranate, red currant and cranberry are a perfect fit with Cappy's holiday season threshold while a vibrant citrusy melody offers balance and a joyous lift. Grounding base notes of vetiver, patchouli and cedar leaf add a touch of hedonistic sensuality that is truly befitting of this devilish blend.
Each month we will feature stories that harmonize with that month's sign. Some stories will be old and familiar, some may be more obscure, but we hope that you will delight in them all! Among the many myths and stories about the Zodiac in general, we must reach back all the way to the beginning of creation itself to kick off our Celestial Sol collection.
The Twelve Titans
Out of the empty space of Chaos came Gaea, the Earth Mother, Tartarus, the Underworld, and Eros, Desire. Gaea gave birth to the mountains, the sky, and the sea. She took her son the sky, Uranus, as her husband, and with him, she mothered the twelve Titans, the very first gods and goddesses, taller than the mountains they used as thrones. All the Olympians - the gods and goddesses that followed - were born from these 12, and their stories created the myths behind the naming of the constellations. The Titans were associated with cosmological principles, the four main gods representing the four points of the heavenly axis and being associated with the passage of time. Their stories run deep in the fabric of Greek mythos, rather violent and tragic, and honestly, quite twisted (as one would expect from Greek myths!). Essentially, the origin of the Capricorn constellation is distilled from the legendary war between the Titans and the Olympians, in which the Titans tried to seize power from Zeus and the rest in order to sow chaos and destruction. In the resulting chaos, Pan (the half goat/half man satyr) attempts to escape to warn Hermes (the messenger of the Gods) by jumping into a river with the intention of transforming into a fish. This transformation didn't go so well and Pan instead became a half goat/half fish (sea goat!). Although he failed at warning the Gods in time, Pan and Hermes were able to restore Zeus to power, and in gratitude, Zeus raised Pan (in his new form) as a constellation.

Each Titan is closely associated with a specific Zodiac sign.
Oceanus - Titan God of Sea and Water (Pisces)
Tethys - Titan Goddess of Fresh Water (Virgo)
Hyperion - Titan God of Light and Wisdom (Leo)
Thea - Titan Goddess of the Sky, Sun and Light (Aquarius)
Coeus(Koios) - Titan God of the Oracle (Capricorn)
Phoebe - Titan Goddess of Prophecy (Cancer)
Krios - Titan God of Constellations (Aries)
Mnemosyne: Titan Goddess Of Memory (Gemini)
Iapetus: Titan God Of Death (Sagitarius)
Themis: Titan Goddess Of Law, Order, And Justice (Libra)
Cronus: Titan Ruler of the Universe (Scorpio)
Rhea: Titan Goddess Of Fertility (Taurus)
Titan also just so happens to be the name of Saturn's largest moon, which is covered in mountains, including the highest known peak in our solar system. A fitting tribute to our Capricorn collection and the kick off of our 2025 Celestial Sol Collection!

This incredible design of our Titans bar exemplifies our #utilitarianart approach with saturated hues of blues and purples in a layered mountainous landscape against a dawn sky streaked with gold, purple and blue.
As an homage to the Titans' Greco-Roman origins, we've thoughtfully scented this bar in a blend of fresh Italian cypress and Sicilian mandarin, accented by a sultry heart of jasmine and intoxicating geranium; grounded by earthy sandalwood and salted amber for a distinctive Mediterranean nod. A masterfully woven tapestry of earthy and green notes.
Goats and Christmas seem to be quite the thing in myths and legends! From Cappy's sea goat to Scandinavia's Yule Goat to the fiendish Krampus, goat-like creatures rule the season. The devil-like Krampus, St. Nick's dark companion in Austrian lore, a half-goat demon said to be the son of the Norse god of the underworld, Krampus punishes naughty children at Christmastime. He is generally depicted with pointed devilish horns and a long snake-like tongue. His body is covered in coarse fur, and he looks like a goat crossed with a demon. His body and arms are strung with chains and bells, and he carries a large sack or basket on his back to cart off evil children. Lucky children might just get swatted with a birch branch; not-so-lucky ones will wind up in the sack. After that, their fate is anyone’s guess. The legends suggest they might be eaten as a snack, drowned in a river, or even dropped off in Hell.
Krampus comes to town the night before the Feast of Saint Nicholas and visits all the houses to dish out his punishments, leaving bundles of birch twigs and sacks of coal for naughty children. Celebrated as Krampusnacht (Krampus Night) in the Alpine regions, on Dec 5th, celebrants don costumes of Krampus and St. Nick and parade through the streets, chasing children and poking people with sticks. On Krampusnacht, children leave a boot outside their bedroom door. The next day, they’ll find either a reward for being good, or a rod, which means they’ve been bad. Krampusnaught is becoming increasingly popular in America, unsurprisingly, as it continues the spookiness of the Halloween season right into Christmas.

We've included Krampus in our Capricorn Collection as a witty and entertaining nod to the goats and horned creatures that are a common theme in the Yuletide Cappy season!
Our Krampus bar is a dichotomy - its devilish design is paired with a tantalizingly sweet blend of zesty orange peel, tart cranberries, juicy apples, and spice. Devilishly delectable!
As a fun and playful bonus, you can pair our Krampus bar with a sack of coal - made from soap, of course! Mischevious members of your tribe who deserve a visit from Krampus will delight in this clever gift! Same Krampus scent in a stone-shaped soap with activated charcoal and painted with sparkly black mica for extra dramatic effect. Packaged in cute red/black buffalo plaid flannel gift bags that match the devilish aesthetic of our Krampus bar.
Psst.....we also have a limited edition Krampus perfume oil roller for you Krampus fanatics. It's a completely different aromatic direction than our soap - an embrace of the darker side! A Yule bonfire in a bottle! Intriguing and mysterious.
Full Moon in Capricorn - Wolf Moon Jan 13th

Every month during our Celestial Sol series we'll pay homage to the full moon that rises in each sign. The full moon that occurs during Capricorn season is the Wolf Moon, the name given to the first full moon of the year. It's named after the wolves that howl during the long, cold nights of January in the Northern Hemisphere.
Our Wolf Moon bar dazzles with its breathtaking design. A giant full moon dominates the night sky over a coniferous forest landscape on a winter's eve. Violet swirls in the sky evoke the aurora borealis. Each label is stamped with a wax seal of a wolf howling at the moon. Shimmering top notes of eucalyptus and sage mingle with lemon and bergamot for a crisp burst of clarity. Delicately airy yet surprisingly complex and unforgettable.
We expect these bars to be quite popular!
If you've visited our retail boutique, you know we loooove our crystals! Some of the larger "statement" crystals in our shop are just there for the high vibes, but we always have an eclectic selection of pocket stones and fun shapes like fairies and mushies to accompany our product collections. This year, we'll be adding custom curated tumbled crystal sets for each Zodiac sign! These sets will be included in each of our gift boxes (see below!). Now, these crystals won't necessarily align with the traditional birthstones you may be familiar with, but they will offer positive and powerful benefits for each sign.
What crystals are appropriate for Capricorns? For Capricorns, the Earth element connection with crystals isn't just about surface-level grounding; it's about tapping into the core of one's being. Like any goat scaling the tallest peaks, Capricorns face many challenges, often involving work-life balance. Their laser focus on their goals often make them seem emotionally detached, as they are very adept at masking their sensitive, emotional side. The best stones for Capricorns offer a unique synergy, aligning with their personality traits. These crystals not only counteract negative traits but also amplify positive energy, fostering emotional equilibrium.
Our Curated Capricorn Crystal Collection
We've curated a dynamic selection of stones that help Cappys acheive their goals but also assist them in balancing their emotional side, allowing their feelings and desires to flourish in balance with their ambitions.
Rose Quartz - The crystal most reknowned for its soothing gentle, nurturing energy resonates beautifully with Cappy's sensitive inner terrain. This crystal not only opens and activates the Heart Chakra but also encourages the flow of love and understanding within personal relationships. Rose quartz can offer solace by fostering a sense of security and safety to overcome feelings of self-doubt and increasing self-confidence. Placing rose quartz over the Heart Chakra can help reserved Cappys open up to loving partnerships, encourage an abundance of self-love, and become a trusted ally on their journey to heal emotional wounds and create harmonious connections.
Smoky Quartz - Capricorns, known for their unwavering determination and practical mindset, find resonance with Smoky Quartz's grounding properties. This crystal acts as a shield, deflecting negative energies that may infiltrate their aura. Moreover, smoky quartz can serve as a powerful defense against Cappy's own negative self-talk and self-defeating thoughts. Its soothing energy helps Capricorn navigate challenges with resilience and serves as an indispensable ally, a reliable anchor that reinforces Capricorn's commitment to personal growth and success.
Tiger's Eye - This potent stone emerges as an ideal crystal for Capricorns, aligning with their practical and grounded personality. As an Earth element stone, Tiger's Eye resonates with the earthy essence of Capricorns, allowing Capricorns to stay rooted amidst life's challenges. This crystal's dynamic influence affects the Root Chakra, providing a stable foundation for their ambitions; the Solar Plexus Chakra, boosting confidence and creativity; and the Sacral Chakra, offering emotional balance. Incorporating tiger's eye into their life can help Capricorns ensure they walk their path with a grounded spirit and a resilient sense of purpose.
Carnelian - This fiery gem resonates with Capricorn's goal-oriented nature, amplifying their ambition and propelling them towards the zenith of success. Carnelian becomes the spark that ignites the flame of determination within Capricorns, urging them to reach for new heights and conquer uncharted territories. Carnelian reminds Cappys of their boundless potential and unlocks the doors to creativity and passion in their pursuits. Carnelian's vibrant energy becomes a secret weapon for Capricorns, ensuring that they not only meet their goals but do so with exuberance.

Know a Cappy who would love our products? Gift them a custom Capricorn gift box set! That's right! Our loyal long-standing Solstice fans know that our gift boxes are pure botanical magick! And these customizable Zodiac boxes offer up plentiful options - from the effortless to the extraordinary!
Each box will include our signature Capricorn soap bar, Tarot themed lotion, a perfume roller, and even a crystal pouch. These boxes can be further customized with additional products from our Cappy collection - body oil, additional perfume rollers, and/or face mask. It's a luxurious self-care gift befitting any hardworking Capricorn!

Cheeky fun!
We'll leave you with a lighthearted selection of memes and quirky bits and bobs for you Cappy fans!